According to PANews, the daily transaction volume of USDT on the Tron network has exceeded that of Visa. The 24-hour transaction volume of USDT on the Tron network was reported to be 53 billion US dollars. This figure surpasses the average daily transaction volume of Visa. Visa's transaction volume for the first quarter of 2024 was 3.78 trillion US dollars, with an average daily transaction volume of 42 billion US dollars. The data indicates that the Tron network's USDT has surpassed Visa in terms of daily transaction volume. This is a significant development in the digital currency sector, highlighting the growing influence and acceptance of digital currencies. The Tron network's achievement is a testament to the increasing use of digital currencies and their potential to compete with traditional financial systems. The surpassing of Visa, a global leader in digital payments, by a digital currency on a specific network, underscores the rapid growth and potential of digital currencies.