According to Odaily, Base has announced that its Base Sepolia will launch a fault proofing system in mid-July. The introduction of this system will bring about several changes to the testnet withdrawals. Firstly, withdrawals will be verified and finalized based on the fault proofing system. This means that the process will no longer be instantaneous. Instead, it will require a minimum of seven days to complete, and potentially even longer, depending on the results of the dispute resolution process used. In addition, the DisputeGameFactory will replace the L2OutputOracle as the new contract for proposing output root statements. This change is part of the broader shift towards the fault proofing system, which is expected to enhance the security and reliability of the platform. These changes are part of Base's ongoing efforts to improve its services and provide a more secure and efficient platform for its users. The exact date of the launch has not been specified, but it is expected to take place in mid-July.